Sunday, November 28, 2010

The newest addition to my family of handmade dolls is evolving.
 I kind of love her.
 She has painted stockings, and a hand-sewn dress and hat.
She is my first doll with jointed arms and legs.
She is 8.5" tall when standing, created from hand-carved natural clay, papier maché, copper wire, water-based paint, hand-dyed and hand-sewn muslin and cotton terry cloth.  She is jointed with black elastic.

ps - as per many messages I have received since posting, she is not yet in the shop. She is still waiting on the creation of her personal box and story. I will post more when she's finished and ready to make her appearance in my shop!


  1. Maia ~ I absolutely love her! Just went over to your shop, and I assume someone has already given her a home.

    You are so incredibly talented!


  2. Lucky, lucky person! She is just lovely. Her pouty mouth and beautiful dress.
